          1. Report of Operations of the United States Forces, and General Information of the Condition of Affairs in the Military Division of the South-west and Gulf and Department of the Gulf

            Report of Operations of the United States Forces, and General Information of the Condition of Affairs in the Military Division of the South-west and Gulf and Department of the Gulf

          1. Contributions to the Annals of Medical Progress and Medical Education in the United States Before and During the war of Independence

            Contributions to the Annals of Medical Progress and Medical Education in the United States Before and During the war of Independence

          1. The Army Paymaster’s Manual, Or Collection of Official Rules Or [!] the Information and Guidance of Officers of the Pay Department of the United States Army

            The Army Paymaster’s Manual, Or Collection of Official Rules Or [!] the Information and Guidance of Officers of the Pay Department of the United States Army

          1. Digest of Trade-marks (registered in the United States) for Machines, Metals, Jewelry, and the Hardware and Allied Trades, With a Synopsis of the Law and Practice Relating to Trade-marks

            Digest of Trade-marks (registered in the United States) for Machines, Metals, Jewelry, and the Hardware and Allied Trades, With a Synopsis of the Law and Practice Relating to Trade-marks

          1. Woody Plants in Winter; a Manual of Common Trees and Shrubs in Winter in the Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada

            Woody Plants in Winter; a Manual of Common Trees and Shrubs in Winter in the Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada

          1. The Story of the Marches, Battles, and Incidents of the Third United States Colored Cavalry; a Fighting Regiment in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-5; Volume 1

            The Story of the Marches, Battles, and Incidents of the Third United States Colored Cavalry; a Fighting Regiment in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-5; Volume 1

          1. The Works Of The Honourable James Wilson, L.l.d., Late One Of The Associate Justices Of The Supreme Court Of The United States, And Professor Of Law In The College Of Philadelphia; Volume 3

            The Works Of The Honourable James Wilson, L.l.d., Late One Of The Associate Justices Of The Supreme Court Of The United States, And Professor Of Law In The College Of Philadelphia; Volume 3

          1. The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America; Including an Account of the Late war, and of the Thirteen Colonies, From Their Origin to That

            The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America; Including an Account of the Late war, and of the Thirteen Colonies, From Their Origin to That

          1. Manifest of the Charges Preferred to the Navy Department and Subsequently to Congress, Against Jesse Duncan Elliot, esq., a Captain in the Navy of the United States

            Manifest of the Charges Preferred to the Navy Department and Subsequently to Congress, Against Jesse Duncan Elliot, esq., a Captain in the Navy of the United States

          1. A Brilliant National Record. General Taylor’s Life, Battles, and Despatches ... Including ... Letters From the President of the United States, the War Department ... and the Mexican Authorities. Accou

            A Brilliant National Record. General Taylor’s Life, Battles, and Despatches ... Including ... Letters From the President of the United States, the War Department ... and the Mexican Authorities. Accou

          1. Catalogue of the Type and Figured Specimens of Fossils, Minerals, Rocks, and Ores in the Department of Geology, United States National Museum

            Catalogue of the Type and Figured Specimens of Fossils, Minerals, Rocks, and Ores in the Department of Geology, United States National Museum

          1. The Deck and Boat Book of the United States Navy. Navy Department, 1917

            The Deck and Boat Book of the United States Navy. Navy Department, 1917

          1. Texas Camel Tales; Incidents Growing up Around an Attempt by the War Department of the United States to Foster an Uninterrupted Flow of Commerce Through Texas by the Use of Camels

            Texas Camel Tales; Incidents Growing up Around an Attempt by the War Department of the United States to Foster an Uninterrupted Flow of Commerce Through Texas by the Use of Camels

          1. A Manual of Physical Training and Preparatory Military Instruction for Schools of the United States

            A Manual of Physical Training and Preparatory Military Instruction for Schools of the United States

          1. The Important Timber Trees of the United States, a Manual of Practical Forestry, for the use fo Foresters, Students and Laymen in Forestry, Lumbermen, Farmers and Other Land-owners, and all who Contem

            The Important Timber Trees of the United States, a Manual of Practical Forestry, for the use fo Foresters, Students and Laymen in Forestry, Lumbermen, Farmers and Other Land-owners, and all who Contem

          1. 【月界2】The Law And Legal System of the United States-4版〖法律〗CQF

            【月界2】The Law And Legal System of the United States-4版〖法律〗CQF

          1. The Steam Navy of the United States; A History of the Growth of the Steam Vessel of war in the U.S. Navy, and of the Naval Engineer Corps

            The Steam Navy of the United States; A History of the Growth of the Steam Vessel of war in the U.S. Navy, and of the Naval Engineer Corps

          1. Taiwan, the United States, and the Hidden History of the Cold War in Asia

            Taiwan, the United States, and the Hidden History of the Cold War in Asia

          1. Essays on Law Reform, Commercial Policy, Banks, Penitentiaries, etc. In Great Britain and The United States of America

            Essays on Law Reform, Commercial Policy, Banks, Penitentiaries, etc. In Great Britain and The United States of America

          1. The Oxford Handbook of Feminism and Law in the United States

            The Oxford Handbook of Feminism and Law in the United States
